Bil Sadler, CFP®, CFA
Wealth Manager
Since 1999, I've been aiming to help retirees, and those nearing retirement, preserve their wealth and lower their taxes.
When you enter the distribution phase of your financial life, you have new tax issues that you didn't have when you were in the accumulation phase.
Bottom line - My goal is to help you keep more of what you spent a lifetime accumulating.
Visit my Contact/About me page for more info.
Retiring Soon?
Are you prepared?
Get a complimentary copy of my 83-Point
"Retirement Readiness Checklist."
Learn more about
Social Security
BEFORE you apply.
Get a complimentary copy of my
"Social Security Retirement Benefits Planning Guide."
Retirement Life
How to Make the Transition and Create Fulfillment in Retirement
Available on Amazon